North Central Public Power District (NCPPD) has started the Plainview Electrical Distribution Rebuild, work being done as part of the 2018 agreement with the City of Plainview.
In the fall of 2022 NCPPD’s construction crew built two miles of distribution line north of the Plainview Cemetery. This new distribution line was built to the service boundary area of the City of Plainview just South of the Cemetery. This new distribution line will be the primary line feed for west half of the City.
NCPPD contracted RVW engineering out of Columbus, to design the Plainview Rebuild. The new design will convert the primary voltage from 4.16KV to 12.5KV. This new design will allow NCPPD to have three different primary line feeds into the City of Plainview off of two different substations.
The primary substation that will be feeding the City of Plainview is NCPPD’s Eden Valley Substation three miles Northeast of Plainview the alternate substation is NCPPD’s Brunswick Rural Substation.
NCPPD has contracted with Schmader Electric Construction Company from West Point, to build Year one of the Cities line rebuild. NCPPD has used Schmader Electric for other electrical line projects on numerous occasions. Schmader Electric will be working on building the main feeder line on the west end of the City along North West Street.
This will take approximately all of the spring and part of the summer to convert the west end to the City to the new lines being built. Schmader Electric will be contacting customers to set up outages while they work on converting the City over to the new lines. Year two of the conversion will take place late summer early fall of 2023.
If any customers have questions or concerns please contact NCPPD’s Operations Department in Creighton.
Year Two of the planned NCPPD upgrades