Forty-one units were collected at the Red Cross Blood Drive, hosted by Plainview FCCLA Members, on Wednesday, March 12, at Plainview High School.
The drive was steady throughout the day, the goal of 32 donations was met and exceeded by nine. The goals are set by the Red Cross organization and we were overjoyed to see our community come together to help save lives.
The next blood drive has tentatively been scheduled for Wednesday, May 14, from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. in the Plainview High School Tartan Gym. Donors can go online at to make their appointment. Registering early ensures the time slot that works best for donors.
Currently there are 45 appointment times and a goal of 36 donations.
“We are always in need of Power Red Donations,” stated one Red Cross employee. “We were informed that not many people can give power of red donations due to all the requirements (blood type of A-, B-, O+, O-), height, weight), so if you are eligible we urge you to sign up for a power of red donation. You could save a friend, neighbor, or child. Not to mention all the benefits of donating.”
Some of the many benefits of donating are receiving gifts, checking for medical conditions, and the satisfaction of knowing you helped save a life. Through the Red Cross organization they check all donations for any medical flags such as pre-diabetes. Once all tests have been run, the Red Cross sends you a card informing you of any flags that may have come up. As well as, all members who donated on March 12, received an e-gift card as a thank you.
As a reminder, the total number of donations received throughout the school year determines the amount of scholarship money provided to our Plainview High School students from the Red Cross. Last year, the organization was able to provide Plainview students with $2,000 in scholarship money!
We would like to thank everyone for coming in to donate blood and for scheduling their appointments and using Rapid Pass. This greatly increases the flow of the drive and keeps waiting time low," stated Jacobsen. “It is exciting to see first-time and new donors at the drive. We hope to see you again next time. Everyone’s donations and commitment to donating is greatly appreciated.”