The Plainview Pirate Speech team will be hosting a community open house this Monday, March 24 at 6:30 p.m., to give the community a chance to see performances, and, hopefully, prepare the team for the State Tournament.

Because of inclement weather earlier in the week, the C2-4 District Speech tournament in Plainview, was moved to Friday, March 21.

The event began at 9 a.m. and featured Plainview competitors, along with Ainsworth, Boyd County, Burwell, Creighton, Howells-Dodge, Humphrey-Lindsay and Lutheran High Northeast.

Finishing in the top competitors at the District meet will send the speakers or teams to the 2025 Nebraska School Activities Association’s State Speech championships, again in Kearney at Kearney High School this year.

The state tournament will run from March 26-28, with Class D competing mainly on Friday, March 28.

The March 24 event is free and open to the public, with all invited to come see the local talent at 6:30 p.m. at the local high school.