On May 30-31 the Plainview FFA officer team went down to Aurora, to the Leadership Center, for COLT Conference (Chapter Officer Leadership Training) where they learned what they should do in their new officer position so they can perform to the best of their abilities in the coming year.
The Nebraska State FFA Officers, who taught breakout sessions and organized the camp, did a fabulous job leading fun learning games for the officers to do. The students learned how to work out different problems that they might face and work as a team so that the chapter is more successful.
The food did not disappoint with most qualifying as five-star meals, especially the meal during the banquet on Monday evening.
On Monday night there was a dance where the students got to show off their dancing skills with line dances, swing dances, and everything in between.
Tuesday was filled with learning experiences for all, and no one walked away without picking up some new ideas.
During COLT, students got to talk to people around the state and learn about different ways of farming and running of operations across the many different soil types and weather conditions, along with discussing SAEs (Supervised Agricultural Experiences) and having friendly banter on which is best.
“In the end our FFA Officers had an amazing time getting out of their comfort zones and talking to new people.”