The Plainview Pirate wrestling team took championship honors at the Lewis & Clark Conference tournament that was held on a rescheduled date of Monday, Jan. 23 at Creighton.
The Pirates took a decisive win over the other 25 teams, putting together 292 team points, more than 80 points ahead of the second-place boys’ team, Quad County Northeast’s 206.5. The third-place boys’ team was Wakefield with 122, then Winnebago with 98.5 and Winside with 94.5.
Two milestones were reached by Kyler Mosel – who won his 150th match at the Conference tournament, and also stuck his 100th pin at the event as well.
Individual results from the Conference tournament included:
132: Jordan Mosel pinned Reimers of Wakefield; pinned Olson of Quad County; and pinned Carlson of Winside. Mosel won first-place.
138: Kyler Mosel pinned Walsh of Wakefield; pinned Hanvey of Creighton; pinned Eledge of Quad County; pinned Chase of Wakefield and pinned Bass of Winnebago. Mosel took first-place.
145: John Leija pinned McWhorter of Wakefield; pinned Watkins of TCNE; won 8-2 over True of Osmond; pinned Swick of Ponca and won 16-10 over Condon of Creighton. Leija took first-place.
152: Tanner Frahm pinned Fischer of Wakefield; pinned Centino of Wakefield; pinned Schamp of Ponca and pinned Wortman of Quad County. Frahm won first-place.
160: Caden Ickler won 12-8 over Monteith; pinned Vego of Wakefield; pinned Rubelcaba of Wakefield and pinned Jensen of Quad County Northeast. Ickler won first-place.
170: Wyatt Doerr pinned Ramirez of Wakefield; pinned Sellin of Winside; and pinned Backer of Quad County Northeast. Doerr won first-place.
182: Zach Cahill lost by pin to Doxey of Winnebago; pinned Pace of Winside; lost by major decision, 9-0, to Gubbels of Quad County; and pinned Sayers of Creighton. Cahill won third-place.
195: Grayson Petersen pinned Nieman of Winnebago; and lost by pin to Topp of Winside. Petersen won second-place.
220: Hayven Stewart pinned Bolz of Osmond; pinned Dunn of Homer; pinned Franzluebbers of Tri County Northeast and lost by pin to Casey of Quad County. Stewart won second-place.
285: Xander Albin pinned Earth of Winnebago; pinned Pavelka of Creighton and won 1-0 over Gubbels of Quad County. Albin won first-place.
At Oakland-Craig
The Plainview Pirate wrestling team traveled to Oakland-Craig for an Invitational on Saturday, Jan. 21, and the Pirates took first-place championship honors at the event with 194.5 team points.
The Pirates were in first by 16-point margin leading the second-place team, Westwood, who put together 178 team points. Third was Oakland-Craig with 139 team points, Quad County Northeast was fourth with 128, and Howells-Dodge was fifth with 114.
Other teams at the event were West Point-Beemer, Pender, North Bend Central, Palmer, South Central Calhoun, Omaha Central Girls, Norfolk Girls, Western Iowa Girls, Winside, Cross County/Osceola, Winnebago, Newman Grove, Winside Girls, Tri County Northeast Girls, North Bend Central Girls, Oakland-Craig Girls, Ponca, Quad County Northeast and Tri County Northeast.
Individual results from the O-C Invite included:
132: Joran Mosel pinned Meier of West Point-Beemer; won 15-0 in tech fall over Crippen of Pender; pinned Carlson of Winside and lost 7-0 to Brichacek of Howells-Dodge. Mosel took second-place.
138: Kyler Mosel pinned Cuevas of Newman Grove; pinned Cooper of Westwood; pinned Bourek of Howells-Dodge; and pinned Evert of West Point-Beemer. Mosel won first-place.
145: John Leija won with a bye; pinned Winn of West Point Beemer; won 6-4 over Kelly of Pender; and lost 9-0 to Reimers of Palmer. Leija won second-place.
152: Tanner Frahm won in tech fall, 19-4, over Heilman of Westwood; won 15-0 in tech fall over Hegemann of Howells-Dodge; pinned Volk of Pender; and pinned Nattress of South Central Calhoun. Frahm won first-place.
160: Caden Ickler won with a bye; pinned Jensen of Quad County NE; lost by pin to Hunke of North Bend Central; pinned Lemburg of Palmer; and won by medical forfeit over Jensen of Quad County Northeast. Ickler won third-place.
170: Wyatt Doerr pinned Sellin of Winside; pinned Brodd of North Bend Central; pinned Backer of Quad County Norheast; and lost 7-2 to Coates of Oakland-Craig. Doerr took second-place.
182: Zach Cahill won with a bye; lost by pin to Bayer of Howells-Dodge; won with a bye; won 11-8 over Duncan of Pender; lost by pin to Gubbels of Quad County Northeast and lost 6-4 in Sudden Victory 1 to Linkous of Pender. Cahill won sixth-place.
195: Grayson Petersen lost by pin to Klausen of Oakland-Craig; pinned Melody of South Central Calhoun; lost by pin to Guzman of Palmer and pinned Nieman of Winnebago. Petersen took fifth-place.
220: Hayven Stewart won with a bye; pinned Timmerman of South Central Calhoun; lost by pin to Casey of Quad County; pinned Sanderson of Pender and pinned Hunter of Westwood. Stewart won third-place.
285: Xander Albin won 5-2 over Sulsberger of Westwood; pinned Garcia of West Point-Beemer; and lost 3-2 to Brands of Oakland-Craig. Albin took second-place.
At the O-C Invite, front row: Ashlyn Forbes, Jaegar Frahm, Hunter Meyer, Colt Kromarek, Beau Krause, Adryck Stewart, Zach Frahm, Beau Johnson, Guy Wortman and Makenzie Mosel; back row: Owen Dobler, Zach Cahill, Caden Ickler, Coach Mark Wragge, Hayven Stewart, Grayson Petersen, Kyler Mosel, Xander Albin, Jordan Mosel, Coach Chad Schumacher, Tanner Frahm, John Leija, Bernardo Camacho, Aiden Hamilton and Coach Dean Boyer
Wyatt Doerr
Hayven Stewart
Zach Cahill
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