Don't forget to sign up for your own subscription when you're picking up your copy of this week's paper! Prefer to read your news online? We have a subscription for that!
about 3 years ago, Staff
student reaches up and catches football
All sorts of great things are happening in our community! We have businesses starting, student-athletes excelling, former residents being celebrated, and so much more! Pick up your copy of this week's edition of The Plainview News! Physical subscription not your thing? We have a e-edition!
about 3 years ago, Staff
JoAnn Kenney memorial plaque
Pure Revival storefront and owners
White with medal
Mosel twins with medals
To Subscribe - A Universal Concept subscribe (v.) This verb was first recorded mid-15 century and essentially meant "to sign" or "register one's name" originally; and by 1711, it gained another specific meaning: to "become a regular buyer of a publication." Get your own subscription today, and add an e-edition to your regular subscription for just $5 more. It's always a good time to catch up on your local news!
about 3 years ago, Staff
subscribe in 5 Romance languages
A word of the week is coming out today! Inculcate Used in a Plainview News sentence: "After being inculcated with an excitement regarding the local news, more and more citizens subscribed to the Plainview News YouTube channel."
about 3 years ago, Staff
inculcate definition and uses
These are called Rebus puzzles & require the player to see the literal meaning in some sort of image. Can you tell what visual pun this photo makes? Don't forget YOUR subscription to The Plainview News where you can find news, puzzles, and more!
about 3 years ago, Staff
rebus puzzle
Did you know that your local paper is filled with information about events that have already happened and those that are upcoming? We even have an online edition if you'd rather not receive a physical paper each week!
about 3 years ago, Staff
The Plainview News logo
Did you know The Plainview News has a YouTube channel? That's where you can catch up on our local city and school board meetings if you can't make it!
about 3 years ago, Staff
the Plainview News YouTube channel
In case you haven't heard the buzz around town, a Kansas City developer has filed suit against the city. The desired goal? To build a Dollar General in our lovely little community. Check out the full story in this week's edition of The Plainview News!
over 3 years ago, Staff
map of Plainview
Where can you watch videos of the local council meetings? The Plainview News has a YouTube page! Check it out, and don't forget to subscribe!
over 3 years ago, Staff
Plainview News YouTube page
Don't miss out on the convenience of your local information all in one place - your local paper! Local information? Like what? In addition to event coverage, you can find community updates, card showers, announcements, menus, and so much more. Online your thing? We have an E-Edition for you!
over 3 years ago, Staff
Plainview News online logo
The Plainview News put out its newest edition yesterday, and it's so full of goodies that just one couldn't be picked for this post. Plainview residents and natives have been on a roll, achieving left and right. Stop in and pick up your copy or check out!
over 3 years ago, Staff
Klarissa Norris in Husker Band
girls achieve reading goal
T. Frahm school photo
T. Korth new librarian photo
Want in on all the news (including announcements!) in your local community? Subscribe yourself or your loved one to the Plainview News! We even have an online edition!
over 3 years ago, Staff
Don't forget to pick up your edition of this week's Plainview paper to get your preview of this season's Plainview Pirates and Lady Pirates! You can even check it out online!
over 3 years ago, Staff
pirate logo
Want to make it to the Plainview Board of Education or City Council meetings but can't quite get there? We got there for you! Don't forget to hit "SUBSCRIBE" to be notified when we've posted new content!
over 3 years ago, Staff
The Plainview News YouTube page
Get more of your local news in your own edition either delivered to your postal box or view it right on your computer or mobile device with the E-Edition! Give us a call at (402) 582-4921 or visit us at!
over 3 years ago, Staff
Plainview News Online logo
Want to catch up on your local news? It's never to late to sign up for a paper of your own! Give us a call or visit us online to subscribe! Want a direct subscription link? -->
over 3 years ago, Staff
Plainview News Online logo
Valuations break $50 million for City of Plainview - tax levy hearings up next According to numbers released this week from the Pierce County Assessor’s Office, it appears that most taxing entities in Pierce County will be working from a bit higher figures this year – as increases were noted across the board from 1.5% to up to near 9% in property valuations. Check out the rest of this story on the front page of this week's Plainview News! Prefer online reading? Our E-edition may be for you!
over 3 years ago, Staff
welcome to Plainview sign
Board of Education opposes Health standard The Plainview Public Schools Board of Education gathered for a special meeting on Monday evening, August 16 and took action to finish discussion on a topic that was brought up the week prior at the regular meeting – sending a letter to oppose the Nebraska Board of Education’s suggested changes to the health standards for Nebraska public school youth. Read more about this story in this week's Plainview News! E-editions are available for those who don't want a physical print. Check it out -
over 3 years ago, Staff
Want to know what happens at city hall or school board meetings but can't make it there? Head over to our YouTube channel! There is also other relevant content that we capture...look for yourself! Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE!
over 3 years ago, Staff
Pirates welcome new “crewmates” aboard With the new school year starting this week, don't miss your introduction to the several new additions to the Plainview Pirate crew in last week's edition of the paper! You may see a familiar face or two...
over 3 years ago, Staff
pirate image