Memorial Day
Spencer Hille on his High Jump attempts and Abbie Kromarek at her 100m hurdle race.
Those fans and athletes evacuated at Plainview’s District meet were safe inside the Plainview Schools’ Ag Shop, kept entertained  by their many mobile devices.
Valedictorian Brittani Gutz
The Plainview News Online
Susan Norris
The Plainview District Champion Pirate track team (l to r); Rece Frahm, Brodi Bruha, Karter Lingenfelter, Spencer Hille, Connor Nelson, Will Gunning, Brett Norris, Jordan  Mosel, Kyler Mosel, Kayson Maertins, Sean Taylor, Scout Ashburn, Caden Ickler, Braden Waldow, Jacson King, Anthony Ziegenbein, Tanner Frahm, Andrew Hallock,  Corbin Kment, John Leija and Zach Cahill.
The Plainview News Online
Pirates Track
The Plainview News
FCCLA Members: Weston Hoffman, Jordan Booth, Peace Akinnigbagbe, Baili Prewitt, Marque Albin, Shayla Jacobsen and Brooke Forbes at their year-end awards night.
The Plainview News
FCCLA Red Cross blood
The Plainview News
The Plainview FFA Chapter’s new 2022-2023 Officer team included, front row (l to r): Vice President Abbie Kromarek, President Marlena Curtiss and Historian Brooke Rafert; second row: Junior Advisor Reagan Choat, Treasurer Brett Norris, Secretary Roni Prewitt and Reporter Scott Hintz; and back row: Alumni Liason Sean Taylor, Sentinel Tanner Frahm and Parliamentarian Jay Jay Gaver.
Klown Festival Scheduled
Plainview receives city award
Warnkeke's trip to Israel
The Plainview News
City Council meeting April 12th, 2022