Pharmacist Ashley Dendinger, Carol Wolfe, Chief Kristy Hallock and Amy Holman of StopODNE.
Playground Equipment on its Way for Elementary
Students attend FCA  event: “God’s Way”
Pirates second at Huskerland
Norris chosen for Girls’ State event in Lincoln
Two sign at Concordia...
Opiod Overdose Awareness event coming to Plainview on March 21
Two champs, Coach Boyer interviewed on KCAU TV
Plainview Speech team members include, back row (l to r): Claire Rasmussen, Harrison Thor, Brendan Weber, Jay Jay Gaver, Reagan Choat, Karter Lingenfelter, Corben Kment and Rece Frahm; and front row: Jordynn Frahm, Marque Albin, Abbie Kromarek, Morgan Nincehelser, Allison Hardisty, Keanu Johnson, Paige Norris, Jacson King, Brett Norris, Madelynn Dougherty, Lauren Jelinek and Leighton Medina.
Jacson King
Kyler Mosel was undeafeated through the State tournament and took first-place.
Lady Pirates Win Last Home Game
FCCLA members Shayla Jacobsen, Kaydance Maertins and Brooke Forbes with Senator Barry DeKay.
Plainview Pirates Qualify Seven for State Tournament in Omaha
Wayne Rasmussen (left) presented his rangeland management award.
White Awarded Overall Second Place Finish
Family members of Plainview Schools basketball team member Ed Lerum with the 1919 State Runner-Up trophy included (l to r): Tina Kumm, Dylan Moore, Anne Weber, Brooklyn Kumm, Kiersten Woodward and Brian Weber.
Jim Kounovsky, Terry Strope and Linda Jedlicka
A number of employers, administrators and superintendents attended the childcare discussion at the Library last week